Since 2018 the CSIC has its own Mentoring Plan in the context of European Research Council (ERC) calls for proposals, launched by the Vice-Presidency for International Relations (VRI). It is aimed at research staff who are submitting their proposals to the ERC with the CSIC as host entity.



  • Providing additional support to research staff applying to ERC StG and CoG calls during the preparation of their proposals..
  • Increase the quality of the proposals by means of a scientific pre-evaluation that includes evaluations and comments from the expert on the structure, clarity and content, as well as their fit with the ERC evaluation criteria.
  • Improve and promote CSIC’s competitiveness as a host institution and increase its success rates in ERC calls.

Requirements for participation:

MENTORS: CSIC research personnel who know the philosophy and evaluation process of the ERC in detail, willing to share their knowledge and experience, maintaining the confidentiality of the ideas and information of the proposals and who offer their help to doctoral research personnel who want to develop professionally in the CSIC through the execution of their ERC projects.

MENTEES: Research staff who will submit an ERC proposal to the StG or CoG calls with CSIC as host entity, who have their part B1 completed, according to the original format of the Program and prepared in time, and who are interested and receptive to receive advice and help to improve their proposals.



  • Support for international talent attraction and retention initiatives.
  • Collaboration and mutual enrichment among research personnel.
  • Creation of links between research personnel, favoring the exchange of knowledge and expertise.

How it works:

  • Annual implementation of the Plan in accordance with the ERC calls in force.
  • Receipt of the documentation of the mentees interested in participating.
  • Analysis of the proposals received, identification and assignment of the most thematically related mentors.
  • Contact and confirmation of mentors for each proposal.
  • Mentor-mentee communication to send them comments and the results of the evaluation of the proposals.
  • Follow-up of evaluations.

More information: Contact