PhD position / Marie-Curie DN Contract


Principal investigator: Fernando Martín Belmonte

Scientific program: Tissue and Organ Homeostasis

Job offer: (2x) PhD positions, Marie Curie Doctoral networks MCSA-DN- 2022


Project title: The role of neonatal enterocytes in gut patterning and development, and their impact on inflammation, and cancer (SurfEx)


Project description:        

Our lab is seeking highly motivated candidates to develop their PhD in the field of Cell Biology and Biomedicine supported by a Marie Curie DN contract (SurfEx-101119504). We are very interested in characterizing the crosstalk between the enterocytes and immune cells during development and pathologies, with particular emphasis In the role that metabolism play during this process. To address these questions, we use in vitro and in vivo techniques, including cutting-edge high-resolution microscopy, engineered organoids, quantitative genomics and proteomics and murine models.


Requirements, experience and academic qualifications:

Candidates must not have resided, or carried out main activity, in Spain for more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately before their recruitment date. Candidates should hold a master’s in biomedicine, biochemistry, biology or related disciplines. Experience in mouse models, cell biology, molecular biology and bioinformatics will be positively evaluated. Excellent communication skills in English are critical.


Contact: Dr. Martin-Belmonte


To apply:

Please email your CV, a motivation letter, and two reference letters to Dr. Martin-Belmonte by October, 15th, 2023


More information:

Group of intestinal morphogenesis and homeostasis

SurfEx project website


Job Offer