Principal investigator: Ana Ortega Molina  

Scientific program: Interactions with the environment/Immune system development and function department

Job offer: PhD student


Project title: Finding new metabolic dependencies in Double hit aggressive lymphomas


Project description:        

My lab in the Department of Immune System development and Function at CBMSO is seeking highly motivated and talented candidates to develop their PhD in our lab. We are very interested to characterize the metabolic features of these particular tumors using transcriptomic and metabololomic tools in preclinical models and patient samples, and screen new metabolic vulnerabilities that could be used as new targeted therapies for these aggressive lymphomas with very poor outcomes with the standard therapies.


Duration: 1 year with possible extension applying for a FPI fellowship


Requirements, experience and academic qualifications:

Candidates should hold a Master in Biomedical or Biochemical disciplines. More than 8 score in the Degree will be required. Experience in next-gen sequencing, analysis of RNA-seq, CRISPR-Cas9 screens, analysis of public data sources, cloning, biochemistry and cell biology and expertise with animal models of cancer will be very positively evaluated. Ability to communicate effectively in English.




Other information: 

Candidates should email an application form to Dr. Ortega-Molina containing CV and a short cover letter describing your expertise and research interest.




Job offer